Archive for the 'overcome shyness' Category

How to Overcome Shyness and Transform your Personality

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How to Overcome Shyness and Transform your Personality

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video, I’ll be sharing with you how to overcome shyness and how to really transform your personality. Now as I’ve said in couple prior videos, our personality is what creates our personal reality, and that was something that I learned from one of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s books, and it was something that really allowed me to understand how our reality is created and how if we really want to change something, we must first go within in order to then see the reflection of something new that we want to experience. Now our personality is formed through reference experiences through certain times in our life, many times when we were young, to where something happened to where maybe subconsciously we just simply decided that this was safer, or this is who we are, so shyness a lot of times comes from an inhibition from being able to express parts of ourselves, from believing that if we do, something bad will happen.

“For me, it was something growing up where, or especially in school when it came to public speaking for example, I had to really learn to overcome that, because I had an experience of getting in front of the class and then starting to do a presentation and then just completely looking out at everyone and blanking out and not knowing what to say, so that was something that I had to learn from that experience. I had to reframe it and then simply decide that I was going to take action to then wire in a new state of being or a new connotation about it.

“The power of this whole video, and what I want to express with being able to overcome shyness, is realizing first off that our self image and the way that we view ourselves is something that we will always do our best to remain consistent to, so if you see yourself as someone that’s shy, it’s going to involve you having to change the way you see yourself to stop identifying as somebody that is simply shy. Now being shy doesn’t have to be a negative thing. It’s not a negative thing to be an introvert, but the point at which it becomes something that’s not beneficial is when we feel like we’re not expressing ourselves, so if we’re at a dinner with friends and family, or we’re out and about in a public place, and we want to say something, but we feel like we shouldn’t or can’t, that inhibition, that filter, is something that we can learn to remove by simply knowing some of these things that I’m sharing.

“First off, just simply becoming aware of the reference experience that that memory came from, and if you don’t know that exact reference experience, simply know that that shyness is something that comes from some experience that when we decided that that’s just safer, that’s just who we are. When we become aware that that’s where it came from, we can then simply make the decision that from this point going forward, we choose to see ourself in a new light. When we visualize ourself and even think about ourself, start to tag in the ability to see yourself as somebody that just expresses themself, somebody that is not afraid to do and say what you want. As you start to see yourself in that way, through repetition, which may mean that you have to do that as a visualization exercise maybe so many times a week, and as you consistently do it, it gets easier and easier to see yourself like that, and then the next part of this is just simply you are going to take action and doing things that you normally wouldn’t do.

“You see, to get out of that autopilot mind of that shyness or that self image that we have that that’s just who we are, we must start to get into the unknown. We must start to take action and doing things we maybe normally wouldn’t have done, so maybe next time you are invited to go do something that you would normally say no to, say yes to it, and just simply start to engage with more people and more things you could be doing, so the engagement of when you go out and if you push yourself to talk to people, the first thing you’ll find is that it’s not what you thought. It’s not like people judge you as much as you think that they would. It’s not like people are going to even reject you, but as you continue to push yourself to talk to other people, you’ll find that the more you do it, the more you wire in this new level of your personality which then will change your personal reality, so…

This video is about How to overcome Shyness and transform your personality
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We can help you overcome your shyness! Let’s get you out of your house and order a pizza. GMM #302
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How To Overcome Shyness

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How To Overcome Shyness







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How to overcome shyness, be bold & Increase confidence – Skillopedia – Personality Development

How to overcome shyness & be bold

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Many people struggle with shyness and find it hard to overcome it . It can take some effort but it’s not impossible to open up and be confident . In this Skillopedia video you will learn some amazing tips and tricks to overcome shyness.

1) Accept yourself : You are who you are . The first step is acceptance . The universe wanted you to be this way . So stop resisting , accept yourself .What most people don‰’t understand is that it is impossible to be 100% perfect according to society. Everyone has insecurities; Continuously doubting yourself or thinking that you are’t capable of doing something is absolutely ridiculous.Be proud of who you are and show people you are confident.confidence is the first step to overcome shyness.

2) Find your front row : Imagine you are performing on stage and ask yourself who would you like as the front row audience. The answer will most likely be people who love and support you unconditionally and are always there for you . Identify these supportive people and work on becoming more open with them . Push yourself out of your comfort zone with these people because they are your safe zone . Over time you will gain confidence and be able to open to outsiders as well . Good friends and loving family can help you overcome shyness .

3) Stop the comparison game :When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect stop constantly comparing yourself to others to the point where you are too insecure to act like yourself. So block out the noise and do the things you love, keep yourself happy , and above all respect yourself unconditionally . Truly Happy people are confident people .

4)Get out of your shell : as a shy person , I’m sure living in your shell feels very safe and comfortable but you have to get yourself out of your shell slowly and steadily .Start meeting more people , try and make new friends .Start attending public gatherings and parties that you would otherwise skip because you want to avoid people . Over time you will form a habit of talking more , socializing more and that will help you . Sticking to where your comfortable means you‰’ll never change and never overcome your shyness.

5)Perfect your posture : Your posture speaks a lot about how you feel about yourself , about how confident you are .If you slouch or show timid body language no one will take you seriously . And this can work the other way around also . If you perfect your posture … Stand tall , straighten your spine , give good eye contact then you will not only appear confident but over time start feeling confident too .

6) Don’t give up : It’s not easy to change yourself for the better . You may face rejection or some discomfort or unfriendliness while trying to overcome is OK , don’t lose hope and most importantly don’t give up . Keep trying and keep making effort you will get there.You can never get every single person to like you . People come with different personalities , different opinions . Just because you face rejection from a few people don’t stop your efforts to overcome your shy nature .

7) Make a list : Yes that’s right , make a list of things you will do to overcome shyness and stick to it . Do everything on that list and you will start feeling more confident .Start with a task that makes you feel the least nervous and slowly work up to the task that makes you feel most nervous . Do them at your own pace but make sure to push those boundaries. This activity will not only build your self-confidence but snap you out of that I can’t do it’s stage because you can!
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5 Ways to Overcome SHYNESS – #BelieveLife

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Good morning #BelieveNation! Today we’re going to talk about 5 ways to overcome shyness.

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Jayd Lor:
I’ve always believed in caring for the customers and treating them with good customer service, but I’m just not really a people person. I’m far too shy. Hopefully you have advice on that. Probably not?

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To live the life you want, you need to know how to be more social. You’ll have to learn how to overcome social anxiety and shyness.

Overcoming shyness is a rigorous but simple process that you can follow. To stop being shy you must understand where it comes from. The best social anxiety treatment is to build social skills and to practice whenever there is an opportunity. Learn how to overcome shyness by putting yourself on the line.

To keep control of your progress and stay motivated on your way to overcoming shyness, download the free sheet at:

Music: Aware by Kontinuum


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Find out how to overcome shyness fast using these psychological tricks. You’ll learn how to stop being shy and find out what makes a person shy to begin with. The tricks in this video can even help you to be more confident around girls and less shy around women.
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Overcome Shyness & Be Confident – Subliminal Message Session – By Thomas Hall

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To download the MP3 please click here: For all MP3 Box Sets please visit:

This recording contains powerful subliminal messages. Please only listen to this subliminal recording in a safe environment.

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Q. Do I need headphones to listen to this recording?

A. No, you do not need headphones. The messages have been embedded in a variety of ways, ensuring they can be absorbed either with or without headphones.

Q. Can I listen while driving or when I’m at work?

A. No. You should refrain from doing anything that requires concentration such as the operation of machinery or driving. This is for your own safety as some people may experience temporary drowsiness. I recommend that you listen while sleeping, relaxing, meditating, or enjoying activities such as drawing or reading.

Q. Do I need to watch the screen?

A. No, you don’t need to watch the screen. The messages are only embedded in the audio recording, so you just need to listen.

Q. Why can’t I hear any talking?

A. This is a subliminal recording, which means the affirmation messages are hidden within the audio.

Q. How do subliminal messages work?

A. Compared to regular audio, the subliminal affirmation messages are recorded at many different frequencies and volumes, therefore you will be unable to hear the messages consciously. Because you are unable to hear the messages consciously, they bypass the part of your mind that analyses information, thus enabling the messages to go directly to your subconscious mind, allowing them to be absorbed as a factual new reality.

Q. Can I sleep while listening?

A. You can listen to this recording whilst asleep or awake, both methods are effective.

Q. How long until I get results?

A. It varies. Some people will only have to listen for a matter of minutes to notice an improvement, whilst others will need to listen for several hours over the course of a few days.

Q. At what volume should I play the recording?

A. At whatever volume you find most comfortable.

Q. What do the messages in this recording say?

A. Here is a list of all the affirmations/messages in this recording.
You are a confident person
I am a confident person
You can do anything
I can do anything
You stay calm and confident in every situation
I stay calm and confident in every situation
You enjoy meeting new people
I enjoy meeting new people
People respect you
People respect me
You can talk to new people with extreme confidence
I can talk to new people with extreme confidence
You can talk to groups of people and remain calm and confident
I can talk to groups of people and remain calm and confident
You have amazing communication skills
I have amazing communication skills
You can do anything
I can do anything
You will succeed in everything you do
I will succeed in everything I do
You enjoy being the centre of attention
I enjoy being the centre of attention
You have believe in yourself and your abilities
I have believe in myself and my abilities
You are able to deal with things easily
I am able to deal with things easily
You are a strong minded person
I am a strong minded person
You are in complete control of your emotions
I am in complete control of my emotions
You can deal with anything because you are a strong minded person
I can deal with anything because I am a strong minded person
You can achieve anything you set your mind to
I can achieve anything I set my mind to
Allow your mind to relax
Be aware of how powerful your mind is
You are a positive person
I am a positive person
You feel good about yourself
I feel good about myself
People find you interesting
People find me interesting
You are an attractive person
I am an attractive person
You are an intelligent person that is full of confidence
I am an intelligent person that is full of confidence
You can stay positive and confident in all situations
I can stay positive and confident in all situations
Your confidence grows stronger everyday
My confidence grows stronger everyday
(((((All of the above are repeated throughout the recording)))))

Thank you for listening for a full range of subliminal and hypnosis recordings please subscribe.

Credit line

Background Music: Music from The Self Development Network, in accordance with Copyright Law.

Beautiful Clouds In The Blue Sky (photo) – artist name: schankz – Photo ID#:40138712 – royalty free image brought from

Hypnosis Image – royalty free image brought from ©Valkos|

Everything else by Thomas Hall – (C) Copyright 2015
Video Rating: / 5

How to overcome Shyness and increase Confidence? | Video in Hindi by Him-eesh

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Watch these 3 steps to remove shyness and boost your confidence. This latest video will help you to increase self confidence and overcome shyness. If you wish to stop being shy with others, be it girls, strangers or audience, then you must follow these 3 steps mentioned in this latest hindi video.

You can also watch:
Body Language Secrets in Hindi:

Apart from confidence building and overcoming shyness video, you can also visit our channel for more such motivational and inspirational videos in hindi.
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Remove shyness COMPLETELY from your life. These UNKNOWN tricks will help you get rid of it once and for all (one simple video to fix it!)


Overcome shyness once and for all. This is stuff that the beloved mainstream would – of course – never teach you. Coming from the words of a guy who’s been dealing with shyness his whole life.

Look, overcoming shyness is not something you need to worry about for the rest of your life. In fact, you can remove shyness completely if you’re willing to work on it.

First of all, understand where shyness comes from and what HUGE rule social conditioning has played in it. Secondly, accept the fact that you’re shy. It’s simple: you want to stop being shy, well, first accept being shy.

Thirdly: make a DECISION. Decide, right now, that you’re going to put in the work in order to life a life free of shyness, once and for all.

Then, build the right habits. Build a frame, redefine your reality. A reality full of confidence and without shyness. Read those frames out every day. Multiple times per day if you can.

Then: take cold showers, train that prefrontal cortex! Beware that with shyness it’s much more about consistency other than perfection. If you consistently do something you’re afraid of every day then you’ll be able to overcome shyness much much better!

That being said, watch the video, execute on those points and maybe jump on a consulting call with me and my team soon!


#shyness #datingadvice #overcomingshyness

RSDMax is an executive coach for Real Social Dynamics, the biggest platform for dating advice and personal development. He’s traveling the world teaching men and women confidence and how to become more sexually attractive to the opposite sex. Follow him on his passionate adventures around the world or get in contact with him HERE:

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How To Overcome Shyness – Transform Yourself Into An Extrovert

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How To Overcome Shyness – How to overcome shyness and social anxiety. These are ideas you can take in start implementing immediately.

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Full Video Transcript Here:

How to Overcome Shyness

Video Summary:
Shyness is not innate. We can experience shyness in various settings, typically more acutely in some than in others. Don’t label yourself as a shy person. Your shyness is reversible, not a life sentence you must drag around with you forever.

Shyness tends to emerge when we suffer from self-image issues that make us overly worried about what others think. It can appear as lack of eye contact, stuttering, or inability to approach others. One technique to overcome shyness is to care less about what others think. The best method for addressing shyness is to leave your house more. Become more social. For example, join a group with similar interests.

If you’re shy at work, strike up friendships with one or two co-workers whom you invite to coffee or lunch. Gradually expand the circle to more people. Interacting in a casual environment will help you be more comfortable sharing your opinions in meetings and cubicles.

To become less shy with the opposite sex, go out with your friends at night, and imitate them, if you feel uncertain. Go bowling or to a concert if not to a bar or a club. Practice being less shy by chatting up service workers who assist you at the cashier counter or the restaurant. They’re paid to be nice to people — you can start perfecting your conversation skills with them. They’ll appreciate being treated like human beings, not robots.

Overcoming Social Anxiety | Marielle Cornes | TEDxYouth@MBJH

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When Marielle moved from Baltimore, Maryland to Mountain Brook, Alabama, she struggled to cope with the anxiety she had previously come to terms with. This is her story of recognition, affirmation, and hopefully, inspiration.

Marielle Cornes is a ninth-grade student at Mountain Brook Junior High and a member of the MBJH TEDEd Club. She enjoys reading, playing with her dog Rosie. Also, she spends most of her weekends on college campus debating about education.

This talk was filmed at TEDxYouth@MBJH 2018 held April 14, 2018 at Mountain Brook Junior High School in Mountain Brook, Alabama. Marielle Cornes is a ninth-grade student at Mountain Brook Junior High. She enjoys reading, playing with her dog Rosie, and arguing with her parents. It’s true; you should ask them. Also, she spends most of her weekends on college campus debating about education. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

How To Be More Confident And Overcome Shyness – Tony Robbins

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Thank You for watching this motivational video. I hope it inspired and motivated!

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How to Believe In Yourself – Tony Robbins:

3 Keys To Greatness – Jim Rohn:

True Warriors Never Give Up – Les Brown:



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4)I only used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary.

Creative Thought Motivation does not own the rights to these video clips. They have, in accordance with fair use, been repurposed with the intent of educating and inspiring others. However, if any content owners would like their images removed, please contact me by email through my about section on YouTube.

How to become more confident? Does the idea of social interaction send panic waves through your body? Yeah, it tends to do that for shy people. But even if you’ve been the quiet type your whole life, there are lots of things you can to do build your confidence, become more charismatic, and get rid of that social awkwardness for good!

Do you know that advertising your shyness, you’re only trapping yourself in this label? People might not even see you as quiet or awkward until you bring it up! And from then on, they’ll only be able to see you that way. There’s nothing wrong with being “the shy one” but holding onto that label can really set you back if you sincerely wanna open up and be more conversational. Do you wanna learn more about that? Then watch our new video! Here are 8 tips on how to stop being shy!

Replace your negative inner voice 0:58
Embrace your strengths 1:59
Offer information 3:07
Don’t advertise your shyness 4:05
Practice your body language 4:56
Start saying yes 6:01
Stay in the moment 7:02
Do the things you’re scared to do 8:00

#shyness #selfconfidence #introvert

Music by Epidemic Sound

– If you have a tough inner voice constantly judging you super harshly and putting you down, then you’ll be more prone to removing yourself from social situations because you expect to be judged by others just as relentlessly.
– Shy quiet people are just as smart, successful, competent, and interesting as extroverts. The only difference is that shy people might have a hard time talking about what makes them unique, so others don’t get a chance to notice it.
– Being in a large group of friends or acquaintances can be an awkward experience for people who suffer from social anxiety. But still, don’t wait for others to ask how you’re doing, how your projects are going, or what you did this weekend. Take the initiative to tell your friends what’s going on in your life.
– Body language tells you so much about a person. In social situations, people who feel awkward or shy might cross their arms or legs, avoid eye contact, angle their body away from others, stand or sit further away, or lower their head. They might also hide behind their phone or always keep it in hand.
– If you’re shy, you’re probably skilled at declining invitations just to avoid social interaction. You might even come up with excuses or go out of your way to avoid someone or some event. But when you say “no,” you create a barrier that closes off opportunities.
– If you’re out with a group of friends and you’ve said something incorrectly or you think you sounded foolish, it gets that critical inner voice going and you get so caught up in your self-demeaning thoughts that you totally disengage with what’s happening at the present time.
– Overcoming shyness isn’t just about learning to talk to people, it’s also about the basic principle of doing the things you’re scared to do. You learned earlier that a fear of being judged usually plays a big part in being shy.

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How to STOP Being Shy and Awkward (FOREVER)

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How to STOP Being Shy and Awkward (FOREVER)

Today we explore how to stop being shy and awkward around people, especially if you are a guy or a girl who is antisocial or quiet. Do you want someone to like you? Do you want to be confident? This is for you!

Music: “Straight” from

Thanks to the rest of the TopThink team who worked on this video, including Tristan Reed (writing) and Nilesh Upadhyay (animation).

Sandeep Maheshwari is a name among millions who struggled, failed and surged ahead in search of success, happiness and contentment. Just like any middle class guy, he too had a bunch of unclear dreams and a blurred vision of his goals in life. All he had was an undying learning attitude to hold on to. Rowing through ups and downs, it was time that taught him the true meaning of his life.

To know more, log on to
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Music: Youtube Music Library
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